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Indigenous People's- Reflect on the Past, Look into the Future


In our celebration of indigenous people’s day it’s important to not only reflect upon the past, but realize the decisions you make every day effect these populations.

Climate change effects indigenous peoples disproportionately to other populations, while having significantly less or even no contribution to the damage we are causing to the planet.

Flooding, rising sea levels, fires, deforestation, over fishing, over hunting, drought- all occur at massive scale within the homes and lands held sacred to indigenous groups.

When you contribute in excess to global pollution and the rise in CO2 remember not only its impact on your own life, but how without efforts to combat this global change, the complete degradation or displacement this will cause for Indigenous groups.

Do something green today to honor the ancestors of the land and the guardians of their culture who exist today. Compost that excess food scrap from making dinner last night. Decide to walk to the coffee shop down the street instead of drive.

Remember to vote and to stand up to the people in power who can make the massive changes we need to save not only our planet, but the cultures who inhabit land significantly impacted by this impending catastrophe.

Have a read!

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